Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Kersting, M., Haglund, J., Steier, R., (2021) A growing body of knowledge: On four different senses of embodiment in science education. Science & Education.

Kersting, M., Venville, G., Steier, R. (2020). Exploring participant engagement during an astrophysics virtual reality experience at a science festival. International Journal of Science Education Part B: Communication and Public Engagement.

Steier, R., & Kersting, M. (2019). Metaimagining and embodied conceptions of spacetime. Cognition and Instruction, 37(2), 145–168.

Steier, R., Kersting, M., & Silseth, K. (2019). Imagining with improvised representations in CSCL environments. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.

Ludvigsen, S., & Steier, R. (2019) (Editorial). Reflections and looking ahead for CSCL: digital infrastructures, digital tools, and collaborative learning. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 14(4), 415-423.

Kersting, M., & Steier, R. (2018). Understanding Curved Spacetime. Science & Education, 27(7-8), 593-623.

Jornet, A., & Steier, R. (2015). The matter of space: Joint bodily action and the emergence of boundary objects during multidisciplinary design work. Mind, Culture, and Activity.

Steier, R., Pierroux, P., & Krange, I. (2015). Embodied interpretation: Gesture, social interaction, and meaning making in a national art museum. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 7, 28-42.

Steier, R. (2014). Posing the Question: Visitor Posing as Embodied Interpretation in an Art Museum. Mind, Culture and Activity.

Steier, R., & Pierroux, P. (2011). " What is' the Concept'?" Sites of Conceptual Formation in a Touring Architecture Workshop. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 6(03), 138-156.

Book Chapters

Pierroux, P., Sauge, B., & Steier, R. (2021) Exhibitions as a Collaborative Research Space for University-Museum Partnerships. In M. Achiam, K. Drotner & M. Haldrup (Eds.) Experimental Museology: Institutions, Representations, Users. Routledge.

Christidou, D., & Steier, R. (2020). Embodying artistic process in art gallery visits. In Knutson, K., & Okada, T. (Eds). Multidisciplinary Approaches to Art Learning and Creativity: Fostering Artistic Exploration in Formal and Informal Settings. Routledge.

Pierroux, P., Steier, R., & Sauge, B. (2019). Imagining, Designing And Exhibiting Architecture In The Digital Landscape. Designs for Experimentation and Inquiry: Approaching Learning and Knowing in Digital Transformation, 87. Routledge.

Pierroux, P., & Steier, R. (2016). Making it real: Transforming a university and museum research collaboration into a design product. Design as Scholarship (pp. 115-129). Routledge.

Doctoral Dissertation

Steier, R. (2014). Embodied Meaning Making and the Museum: Bodies, artifacts, and spaces in sociocultural approaches to museum learning and design. Doctoral dissertation. University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.

Selected Recent Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers and Invited Presentations

Steier, R., Davidsen, J., (2021). Adapting Interaction Analysis to CSCL: a systematic review. Annual Meeting of the International Society of the Learning Sciences. June 2021, Bochum, Germany

Steier, R. (2020). Designing for Joint Attention and Co-presence Across Parallel Realities. International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) Nashville 2020. Nashville.

Pierroux, P., Steier, R., Liu, T., Qvale, A., Sauge, B., Rudi, J., Larsen, O. (2019), Virtual Reality Architecture Exhibitions: Means for Experimenting with Future Objects in Anticipation Studies. Anticipation 2019. October, 2019, Oslo, Norway.

Pierroux, P., Steier, R., Qvale, A., (2019). Studying Visitors' Exhibition Experiences in a Virtual Reality Environment. Visitor Studies Association Annual Conference. July 2019, Detroit, U.S.A.

Steier, R., & Pierroux, P., (2019). Mapping Mediated Interaction in Museums: Visitracker tool for ethnographic observations of visitors. Symposium session: Tools and Methods for ‘4E Analysis’: New lenses for analyzing interaction in CSCL. In International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. June 2019, Lyon, France.

Steier, R, & Kersting, M.. (2018) When a sandwich becomes the earth: imagination and creativity with improvised representations. 2nd Symposium on Embodied Interaction June 26-27, 2018, University of Southern Denmark.

Pierroux, P., & Steier, R. (2018) Group Creativity in Early Adolescence: Relational and Material Aspects of Collaborative Interactions. Creativity Conference, August 3-6, 2018, Oregon, U.S.A.

Sauge, B., & Steier, R. Real Visitors and Virtual Reality in Architecture Exhibitions. 71st Annual International Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians (SAH), April 18-22, 2018, St. Paul, Minnesota.

Steier, R., & Beck, E. E., Presence and Meaning Making. NERA 2018 Congress, 8-10 March 2018, Oslo, Norway.

Steier, Rolf. Conceptual Understanding and Embodied Learning in General Relativity. Future Science Conference, Perth, Australia, December 2, 2016.

Steier, Rolf. Designing learning spaces: moving between schools and museums. International Workshop on the Teaching and Learning of Einsteinian Physics in the Era of Gravitational Astronomy, Gravity Discovery Center, Western Australia, November 28- December 2, 2016.

Steier, Rolf. Imagining Space and Time: distributed imagination in upper secondary physics classrooms. EARLI SIG Conference, Tartu, Estonia, August 28-29, 2016.

Steier, Rolf. Making Do-ing: On the Emergence of Representation and Meaning in Collaborative Design Work. AERA Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, April 8-12, 2016.